

Name: Christ Gender: Male Origin: Theology, Impact: Your name of Christ has many sterling qualities but does not give you an overall stability.   You do everything with an intensity to the point of fervour, and either you feel tremendous elation or you are in the depths of despair.   People often disappoint you because you are idealistic and are apt to place those whom you admire on a pedestal.   Then you become disillusioned when they fall short of your expectations.   You are quick mentally and like to see things moving at an accelerated pace.   Patience is not one of your virtues; you want to move when the impulse strikes you.   While such spontaneity is fine at times, you must take account of conditions and employ careful analysis so as to avoid disastrous results such as accidents due to hasty actions.   Most things you do, you do well, but as soon as the task, hobby, or job becomes familiar or routine, you are bored and crave a change.   Travel and new horizons ever intri


Name: Allen Gender: Male Origin: English, Impact: Your name Allen gives you a strong sense of responsibility in business and material affairs, and the practicality and determination to make a success of anything you undertake.   Your ability to organize and direct the efforts of others enables you to excel in any managerial position because you have the ability to grasp the concept of a goal complete with an understanding of the steps to be taken.   This name has allowed you to develop depth and breadth of mind.   You are able to retain facts, to grasp new information to your existing store of knowledge.   You never seem to be out of your depth of understanding.   For these reasons others who may not have the same quickness of mind classify you as a "know it all" and, although you may be highly respected, this characteristic is unlikely to endear you to your associates.   You have a very responsible nature, are capable and mature, and are willing to assume a position


Name: Cherokee Gender: Male Origin: English, Impact: The name of Cherokee has given you an appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life--music and art, literature, drama--and the outdoors, where you find much peace and relaxation, but it creates a far too sensitive nature.   You sense and feel much that you do not understand, and sometimes you are alarmed at your thoughts and wonder about their origin.   You rarely experience the tranquility that comes with stability of thinking or emotional control.   At times, you are very inspired, desiring to be with people and to entertain others as the "life of the party," while at other times you are aloof and choose to remove yourself entirely from association.   You crave understanding and affection but your intensity of desire and your self-consciousness prevent you from finding the happiness you desire.   You have suffered many disappointments and misunderstandings because of your inability to express your in


Name: Chika Gender: Female Origin: Japanese, Impact: Your first name of Chika has given you energy, drive, and ambition, but also an almost excessively strong-willed and independent nature.   While you are creative, inventive, and ingenious in practical matters, and always ready to initiate and promote new undertakings,  you often experience difficulty in bringing your undertakings to a successful conclusion because of your own changing interests or changing circumstances.   You become intensely involved with everything you plan to do, but the stress arising from frustrating obstacles or misunderstandings with others could prompt you to be intolerant and sarcastic in your expression, with breakdowns in congenial relations with family and friends a possible end result.   Any emotional outbursts or moods would register as tension in your solar plexus, resulting in nervous indigestion and related problems.   Tension could also centre in the head affecting the eyes, ears, sinuses,


Name: Cherish Gender: Female Meaning: Guard, Treasure Origin: English, English Information: Cherish originates in English language and is taken from the word for "guard or treasure".  It is ultimately derived from Latin. As a feminine given name it is rather rare. Impact: The name of Cherish creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words.   You have a deep, artistic, and creative side which shows through a love for music and literature.   Writing is a more natural mode of expression for your deeper thoughts and feelings than the spoken word.   You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest.   However, you prefer to avoid routine, monotony, and menial tasks.   You enjoy the out-of-doors and find your greatest peace and relaxation from the beauty and harmony of nature.   You prefer to limit your friendships and associations to those who share your in


Name: Bojan Gender: Male Origin: Slovene, Impact: The name of Bojan has given you good business ability and a high regard for proper standards of conduct.   You have an appreciation for good music, literature, art, drama, and philosophy, and you could be creative in those fields.   An outdoor life also appeals to you and you could find much enjoyment in the beauties of nature.   In the business world, your reserve and outward placidity command respect for your authority.   However, in your personal life, this reserve and reticence are often mistaken for coldness and lack of feeling, with the result that others find it difficult to understand you.   While your name gives you a clever, deep mind, you feel and sense much that you do not fully understand.   As it is not easy for you to share your deeper thoughts and ideals with others,  you are inclined to choose the association of those few friends with whom you feel the most at ease and with whom you can enjoy companionship in a


Name: Bobby Gender: Male Origin: English, Impact: Your name of Bobby gives you self-assurance, independence, and confidence.   You have depth of mind and the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion.   Your love of challenging the concepts of others invariably leads you to create your own ideas and to pioneer new lines of thought.   Your strong characteristic of individuality qualifies you as a leader.   You must be independent and you do not brook interference in any way.   Although you do not tolerate interference in your own affairs, this characteristic does not prevent you from interfering in the affairs of others.   You are usually either telling or showing someone how to do something properly.   Although you are good-natured and never intend offence, still your blunt, direct, and candid manner of expression strains friendships; your honesty and sincerity earn respect from others.   You have to be your own boss as it is most difficult


Name: Blaise Gender: Male Meaning: Stammering, Stuttering Origin: French, Latin Information: Blaise is the English derivative of the Latin name which means 'to stammer or stutter'. The Latin name became Blasius in English and in common usage became Blaise over time. Impact: As Blaise , you have a natural interest in the welfare of your fellow man, and a desire to help and serve others in a humanitarian way.   You are responsible and generous, although somewhat scattering and disorganized at times.   Any jobs requiring systematic and conscientious effort, or involving any form of drudgery, dismay you.   In your work, you would seek a position offering self-expression through contact with people, such as sales or teaching, or a position giving scope to your creative, artistic talents.   You are good-natured and likeable, and people tend to confide in you and seek your advice in personal problems.   Others sense your sincere interest and desire to help, and you can alwa


Name: Blair Gender: Female Meaning: From A Field Origin: Scottish, Gaelic Information: Blair originates Gaelic languages and means "from a field". Formerly, it was more popular as a masculine given name, but lately it is used more as a feminine one.  It functions as a surname as well, the famous bearer being the former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair. Impact: The first name of Blair leads you to assume considerable responsibility and to prefer to work independently, without direction or interference from others because you have very definite ideas of your own.   Your mind is quick to comprehend and you can be depended upon to do any job well.   Because you tend to be somewhat of a perfectionist, you might insist on doing too many things yourself instead of delegating jobs to others who might do less satisfactory work.   This name does make you quite direct and straight-to-the-point.   Your verbal expression does not reflect your inner thoughts and feelings, a


Name: Boyce Gender: Male Meaning: Living Beside A Wood Variation: Boice, Boyes Origin: English, English, French Information: The name Boyce is an English one, but with French roots. It is derived from the Old French word which means 'wood' and therefore referred to a person who came from a wooded place. Impact: Your name of Boyce makes you quick-minded, versatile, and very expressive.   You are adaptable and creative in responding to new situations.   This name has given you an interest in people and a desire for new experiences. You have the ability to create a favourable first impression, and so you could do well in the fields of sales promotion or entertainment.   The use of this name creates a lack of stability in your affairs as it inclines you to procrastinate.   It spoils patience and weakens your stand in matters of principle.   You are inclined to do whatever is expedient in order to avoid facing issues.   You could suffer bitter experiences t