

Name: Asa Gender: Male Meaning: Tribal Healer Origin: Jewish, Hebrew Information: Asa is a name of Hebrew origin and is thought to mean 'a doctor or a healer'. Impact: As Asa , you are spontaneous, happy-go-lucky, and you enjoy the company of others--the more the merrier.  You make friends easily as people are attracted to your warm and generous nature.   However, you have to watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity, for you are apt to be influenced by hard-luck stories and give when it might be more prudent not to. You are ever on the watch for ways and means of making some "easy money" because this name destroys initiative and ambition, producing an easy-going, come-what-may nature which attaches value to money only for the self-enjoyment it can offer.   Misunderstandings could exist in your personal life because of this emotional power which you have difficulty controlling and also because of a difficulty in accepting a resp


Name: Ariel Gender: Male Meaning: God's Lion Variation: Ariella, Arielle Origin: Biblical, Hebrew Information: Ariel originates in Hebrew language and means "God's lion". In the English-speaking countries,  Ariel is more popular as a feminine given name, probably due to its connotation with Disney's The Little Mermaid. In modern Hebrew,  however, it is still more common as a masculine given name, the famous bearer being Ariel Sharon, former Israeli politician and Prime Minister. Impact: Your name of Ariel has created a most expressive nature, idealistic and inspirational, driven with a strong inner urge to be of service in some way that would uplift humanity as a whole.  However, there is a tendency to assume too heavy a burden of responsibility for others, which leads to worry and undue concern.   People with problems are drawn to you as they recognize you as one who has understanding and gives not only sympathy and comfort but provides also some co


Name: Aristotle Gender: Male Meaning: Knowledgeable, Wise Origin: Ancient Greek (latinized), Greek Information: Aristotle is an anglicized form of the Greek name Aristoteles.  The name itself means wise or knowledgeable. Aristotle was one of the most famous scientists in the ancient world and was a pupil of Plato. Impact: The name of Aristotle creates a very likable easy going and good-natured personality with a love for people.  You will do anything to avoid friction among others. y ou could have musical or artistic talents but find it difficult to concentrate your efforts in one area long enough to accomplish anything.   Spontaneous, happy-go-lucky, and expressive yourself, you like to see people happy and go out of your way to create harmony amongst them.   You find it difficult to discipline your desires and emotional feelings.   Too idealistic and impractical through the use of this name, you would not find it easy to make a success in the business world.   You are inc


Name: Anthony Gender: Male Meaning: Worthy Of Admiration Or Praise Variation: Antony Origin: English, Latin Information: Anthony is a version of the Roman name Antonius which means 'praiseworthy'. In English, Tony is the short form of the name. Impact: The name of Anthony gives you a clever, quick, analytical mind, but you suffer with a great deal of self-consciousness,   lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings.   Your idealistic and sensitive nature gives you a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to humanity.   There are times when you experience inner turbulence at your inability to say what you mean.   It is far easier for you to express your deeper thoughts and feelings through writing than verbally.   You find pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in your ideals and will turn to them when you feel you have been misunderstood.   You are deeply moved by the beauties of life


Name: Annabel Gender: Female Meaning: Adorable Variation: Annabella, Anabel, Anabela, Anabele, Anabella, Annabell, Arabella Origin: English, Latin Information: Annabel is a variant of Amabel, possibly influenced by Anna. Amabel originates in Latin language and means "adorable".  It is ultimately derived from the masculine name Amabilis, a French Saint of Riom.  Lately, Amabel has not been very popular as a feminine given name and sounds rather old-fashioned.  The variant Annabel is much more popular. Impact: The name of Annabel creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind.  Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life.   Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.   An ability to concentrate could take you into computer programming or accountancy


: Anita Gender: Female Meaning: Gracious, Merciful Variation: Annita, Anitta Origin: Spanish, Hebrew Information: Anita is a diminutive of Anna. Anna is most likely a variant of a Hebrew name Hannah, meaning "gracious" or "favored", because in the Bible she was a sincere and merciful woman.  Ultimately the name lost its initial 'h'. Anna was the name of many women belonging to Russian royalty, it is also the main character in 'Anna Karenina', a novel by Leo Tolstoy.   Together with its many variations, Anna has been a popular female name for many centuries and is constantly topping the name charts. Impact: Your first name of Anita has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression.  With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfil your desires.   Your emotional feelings are easily


Name: Amando Gender: Male Origin: Spanish, Impact: Your name of Amando indicates qualities of a leader and organizer but a difficulty in concentrating and systematizing your efforts interferes with achieving your goals.  You desire a good standard of living and the best quality in all your material possessions.   You have a friendly nature, well-liked by others for your sense of humour and pleasant personality and you love parties and socializing in general.   You could be musically or artistically inclined and may often be the "life" of the party and would enjoy finding expression in the entertainment field.   You have a pleasure-loving nature, and although you have an ability to meet and mix with people on all levels, you tend to become involved in awkward emotional situations to your detriment.   Deriving pleasure from giving to others, you enjoy spending money on them, but tend to be a spendthrift, and not build up a reserve for emergencies.   You have


Name: Ambrose Gender: Male Meaning: To Be Immortal Origin: English, Greek Information: Ambrose is a Greek name which comes from the word 'ambrosios', meaning immortal Impact: Your first name of Ambrose makes you spontaneous and versatile, enjoying congenial association, appreciating the finer things of life, and loving to talk and debate.  You are strong willed and self-sufficient, not depending on others for encouragement.   Your desire for independence and freedom means that you seldom tolerate limitations.   Although you are naturally happy and generous, you fail to hold friendships because you are inclined to be too dogmatic, argumentative, or sarcastic.   In an argument, you usually emerge the victor, but at a cost.   Physical weaknesses centre in the head.   The eyes, ears, teeth, or sinuses could be affected, or you could experience loss of hair. Skin problems such as acne or eczema could also appear.


Name: Anna Gender: Female Meaning: Gracious, Merciful Variation: Ahnna, Ana, Anika, Anita, Annie, Anne, Annette, Ona, Anouk, Nannie, Anka, Antje, Anja, Anni, Anu, Annuska, Anya, Onie Origin: English, Hebrew Information: Anna is most likely a variant of a Hebrew name Hannah, meaning "gracious" or "favored", because in the Bible she was a sincere and merciful woman.  Ultimately the name lost its initial 'h'. Anna was the name of many women belonging to Russian royalty,  it is also the main character in 'Anna Karenina', a novel by Leo Tolstoy. Together with its many variations, Anna has been a popular female name for many centuries and is constantly topping the name charts. Impact: Your first name of Anna has given you a quick-minded, sensitive nature.  It gives you a creative ability in art, music, singing, or fancywork and an appreciation for refined surroundings.   Your sociable nature expresses affection, kindness, and thoughtfulness t


Name: Angelo Gender: Male Meaning: God's Messenger Origin: Italian, Greek, Italian Information: Angelo is an Italian variant of Angel. Angel originates in Greek language and means "God's messenger".  In Spanish-speaking countries, it is more common as a masculine given name, whereas in English-speaking countries,  it can be used as both feminine and masculine, the feminine one being more frequent.  However, it has never gained as much popularity as other names derived from Angel, such as Angela or Angelica. Impact: Your name of Angelo creates a very expressive, versatile, and spontaneous nature.  You are happiest when you are associating with people and participating in activities with others.   Your name gives you a desire to sing, dance, and have a good time.   This name makes you very idealistic, emotional, and temperamental, liking to do things on the spur-of-the-moment and disliking being repressed or held down to monotonous detail.   A la