
Showing posts from May, 2022


Abednego Gender: Male Origin: Biblical, Impact: Your name of Abednego causes you to place considerable importance upon the material aspect of life. You have an eye for quality, desiring always the very best that money can buy, and you are not content with anything that is second best. You are quick to size up others, and this appraisal is based upon their physical appearance, their clothes, and whether they have achieved material success and the standards of quality that you have set in your own mind. You have a keen business sense, knowing a lucrative proposition when it is presented, and it is likely others would come to you for business counsel. You are a capable leader and organizer who should never be in a subordinate position. You have the ability to organize and see the whole picture where any prospective business venture is concerned. It is a name, however, which almost destroys the finer, sensitive qualities that should be expressed. It makes spontaneous, natural expres


Gender: Female Origin: Romanian, Impact: Your first name of Camelia gives you a poised, gracious, and reserved nature.   You are capable and clever and would excel in executive positions.   As you are a private person, it is a challenge for others to get to know and understand you.   Your reticence has caused you to suffer aloneness and misunderstandings.   You would like to be easy-going and spontaneous but it does not come easily.   You can express yourself better through writing than verbally.   The mysteries of life appeal to you in your search for an understanding of the greater picture of life.   You love to read and can develop great powers of concentration.   There is also an over-sensitivity in the heart, lungs, and bronchial organs which could lead to related health weaknesses.


Name: Candela Gender: Female Origin: Spanish, Impact: The name of Candela creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind. Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life. Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized. An ability to concentrate could take you into computer programming or accountancy or any work requiring concentration and attention to detail. You have, also, a flair for creative expression with your hands. You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt and go into moods which can be quite extreme at times, causing much turmoil and unhappiness. Finding it difficult to join in conversation with those with whom you are not well-acquainted, you could feel quite alone and uncommunicative with new acquaintances or in a large crowd. As a result, you could be accu


Name: Capricia Gender: Female Origin: Multiple, Impact: Your name of Capricia gives you the desire to understand and to help others but, at the same time you can become too involved in their problems and, as a result, worry too much. You desire a home and family of your own and have the ability to create understanding and harmony in family association as you are pliable, forgiving, and tactful. You love children and would not hesitate to care for any children who might need you. Whenever possible, you avoid argument and turmoil because you prefer not to face an issue if it means hurting anyone's feelings. You shrink from sordidness and poverty because you feel very deeply for anyone in unfortunate circumstances. Though you recognize your responsibilities, you are inclined to put things off until you are forced to take action. If given the opportunity, you could develop musical and artistic abilities. This name is a fairly healthy influence, although it does not give you as


Name: Candy Gender: Female Origin: English, Impact: Your name of Candy gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Your ideas can be very original and inventive.   You enjoy being with people in a social environment.   Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others.   Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you would probably not follow such advice yourself.   This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people.   You seem positive and decisive and can be outspoken in the expression of your opinions, but you lack the self-confidence needed to follow through with your ideas and plans.   Procrastination is your downfall.   You frequently choose the path of least resistance to avoid your responsibilities.   It is not easy for you to overcome obstacles or face is