
Showing posts from October, 2021


Name: Peter Gender: Male Meaning: Rock Variation: Pete Origin: English, Greek Information: Peter originates in Greek language and means "rock". As a masculine given name it has been popular over centuries and in different spellings all over the world.  This was the name of several saints, including the one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, as well as the name of numerous members of European royalty. In the United States its usage has declined a lot lately. It functions as a surname as well. Impact: Your first name of Peter creates individuality, independence, self-confidence, initiative, and an inclination to physical activity.   Y ou are not inclined to merge your opinions and viewpoints with others, to accept compromise, or to work in a subservient position against your will.    Your expression is invariably quite direct and candid, and lacks the moderating tone of tact, diplomacy, and friendliness.    Others find it difficult to accept your domineering and, a


Name: Jonathan Gender: Male Meaning: God Gives Variation: Jonathon, Johnathan Origin: English, Hebrew Information: Jonathan is based on Hebrew names 'Yahonathan and Jehonathan', derived from the Hebrew words 'Yahweh', which means 'God', and 'nathan', which means 'to give'. Impact: Your name of Jonathan has given you the ability to handle people.    You are pleasant and diplomatic, and seem to sense how others feel.     For this reason, you could do well in public relations work. You appreciate the finer things of life, and like to have a good standard of living.    You feel that it is important to convey the impression that you are financially secure, and you place importance on your mode of dress, and on appearances generally.     While you could do well in certain positions of authority, you have a certain lack of initiative and a tendency to procrastinate.   Difficulty in coming to important decisions and a degree of passivity do


Name: Rebecca Gender: Female Meaning: One Who Ties And Joins Variation: Becky, Reba, Rebeca, Rebecka, Rebekah, Rebekkah, Rivka Origin: Italian, Hebrew Information: Rebecca originates in Hebrew language and means "one who ties and joins". In the Bible, Rebecca was an important personality, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. In the United States it has always been one of the most popular feminine given names. It was popularized by Daphne du Maurier in her 1938 novel of the same name and a subsequent film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Impact: The name of Rebecca creates a friendly, sociable, charming nature, but causes you to be too easily influenced by others.    While you find it easy to meet and mix, and can appear agreeable and compromising in conversation, you can become dogmatic and forceful if pressed too far.    Others learn that you cannot be told what to do and you seldom change your mind once it is made up.     You prefer situations that


: Marcus Gender: Male Meaning: Rendered To Mars, Warlike Origin: Ancient Roman, Latin Information: Marcus is derived from the Latin meaning "dedicated to Mars". Mars was the Roman god of war, known to the Greeks as god Ares. It is also the fourth planet in the solar system. Marcus is a popular masculine given name not only in the United States, but in different spellings all over the world. Impact: Your first name of Marcus has given you creative ability, imagination along practical lines, and the patience to pay attention to detail for a while.    Although you are attracted to technical, mechanical, scientific fields, you lack the patience to follow through with this interest.   This name gives a certain amount of practicality to your thinking; but there is also a tendency to scatter your efforts for, although you want system and order and stability in your life, you are too apt to be distracted from the job you are doing and to become involved in spontaneous int


Name: Sera Gender: Female Origin: English, Impact: Your first name of Sera gives you an independent, serious, reticent, and studious nature.     An intellectual, you have a deep appreciation for art, music, literature, and all the phenomena of nature.     You express your thoughts and feelings best through writing rather than verbally.    In fact, others find it challenging to understand you as you do not reveal your innermost thoughts unless you are completely comfortable in your friendships.    For that reason, despite having good business abilities, you like to work alone or where you are making your own decisions.    It has created separateness from others and loneliness in your life.    Physically, any weaknesses in your health would centre in the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.


Name: Eric Gender: Male Meaning: King Forever Variation: Erich, Erick, Errick, Erik Origin: French, Old Norse Information: Eric originates in Old Norse and means "king forever". It used to be very popular with Scandinavian royalty, borne by several kings of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. In the English-speaking countries it became a popular masculine given name in the 19th century. Impact: The name of Eric creates a very aggressive and independent nature, one with big ambitions, giving you original, progressive, large-scale ideas, salesmanship and promotional ability as well as the excellent business judgment which enables you to gain the financial accumulation to which you feel entitled.     You have a versatile, restless nature, and could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks.    You are seldom satisfied and are always seeking something new.    However, you do not know the meaning of relaxation, for when supposedly resting, your mind is


Name: Frederick Gender: Male Meaning: Calm Monarch Variation: Fred, Freddy, Frederich, Fredrick Origin: English, Germanic Information: Frederick originates in Germanic languages and means "calm monarch". In the United States, it was most popular at the beginning of the 20th century, since then its usage has declined. It used to be a favorite name in European royal circles, more recently the famous bearers include Frederick Forsyth, a British novelist. Impact: The name of Frederick gives you a very individual, reserved, serious nature.    You stick stubbornly to your ideas or decisions, in spite of any appeals or advice; you are not willing to accept a compromise.    You prefer to be alone with your own thoughts, rather than in the company of others.    This name restricts spontaneity in association and the fluency of your verbal expression.    When you are required to express yourself in personal matters requiring finesse and diplomacy, you feel awkward and emba


Name: Veronica Gender: Female Meaning: Victory Bearer Variation: Ronnie, Veronicka, Veronika, Veronike, Veroniqua, Veronique, Weronika Origin: English, English, Italian, Latin Information: Veronica originates in Latin language and means "victory bearer". According to most sources, it is a Latin form of the name Berenice. Some sources, on the other hand, mention the Greek meaning "true image". Veronica was an important person in Christianity. She gave Jesus her veil so that he could wipe his forehead and when he gave it back to her, there was a true image of him on the piece of cloth. In English-speaking countries it has been used as a given name since the 19th century. Impact: The name of Veronica creates a happy, versatile, and expressive nature, with good business judgment and a fine sense of responsibility, which should enable you to establish congenial relationships in positions of trust where you are dealing with the public.     You have a clever,


Name: Adonai Gender: Male Meaning: God Or Lord Origin: Theology, Hebrew Information: Adonai is the plural form of the Hebrew word 'adon', which means 'God or Lord'. It can also be used to mean 'master or owner'. Impact: Your name of Adonai causes you to place considerable importance upon the material aspect of life.   You have an eye for quality, desiring always the very best that money can buy, and you are not content with anything that is second best.     You are quick to size up others, and this appraisal is based upon their physical appearance, their clothes, and whether they have achieved material success and the standards of quality that you have set in your own mind.    You have a keen business sense, knowing a lucrative proposition when it is presented, and it is likely others would come to you for business counsel.    You are a capable leader and organizer who should never be in a subordinate position.    You have the ability


Name: Aaron Gender: Male Meaning: Mountain Of Strength Variation: Aharon Origin: Biblical, Hebrew Information: Aaron originates in Hebrew language and is derived from Aharon. Aharon is the name of the elder brother of Moses in the Old Testament. The true meaning of the name is not known although some sources suggest that it stands for a 'mountain of strength'. Impact: Your name of Aaron has made you practical, systematic, and thorough.     This name encourages the expression of leadership and organizational skills, shrewdness, and analytical ability.    You are mathematically adept and have great patience with work of a detailed nature such as bookkeeping, accounting, or technical research.    Particular about your material possessions, you keep everything you own in a good state of repair, and you budget your personal finances very carefully.    Because of its matter-of-fact influence, this name limits, to some degree, your ability to be flexible and spontaneous.


Name: Abel Gender: Male Meaning: Breathing Variation: Able Origin: French, Hebrew Information: Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve in the Bible. There are however different meanings to the name depending on which language the name is given in. In Hebrew, it is derived from the word 'hebel' which means 'breath'. In Arabic however, it is derived from the word 'habeel' which means 'a city in mourning'. It also means 'meadow' in ancient Assyrian. Impact: The name of Abel has made you serious-minded, responsible, and stable.    You love the security of a home and family, you are fond of children, and, as a parent you would be fair and understanding.     Although you have good business judgment, you are not aggressive in your dealings because you do not like to create issues.     You would be successful in any position dealing with the public as you have a diplomatic and tactful manner and possess a charming, easy-going nature which p


Name: Abeni Gender: Female Origin: African, Impact: Your first name of Abeni gives you a responsible, systematic, and practical nature, able to excel in technical fields or as a teacher and you would also enjoy the practical arts.    Being methodical, you work best where you have the time to do a good job, although you can be too fussy at times finding it difficult to react spontaneously to new ideas from others.    You rebel at being rushed or put under pressure.    That is when you can become somewhat inflexible.    You appreciate home and settled conditions and take on a lot of responsibility to ensure that your home life functions efficiently.    This name restricts the innate expression of an artistic, musical nature.    A fondness for heavy, rich foods could, through overeating, cause you to suffer through intestinal and digestive troubles.


Name: Abigail Gender: Female Meaning: My Father's Delight Variation: Abagail, Abbegale, Abbigail, Abby, Abbygale, Abbygayle, Abegale, Abey, Abiagael, Abigale, Abigayle, Abygayle, Avigail, Gail Origin: Biblical, Hebrew Information: Abigail originates in Hebrew language and means "my father's delight". Abigail is a figure of importance in the Hebrew Bible. She was King David's wife, wise and beautiful, and a great prophetess. Over centuries, it has always been one of the most popular feminine names. In the English-speaking countries, it became more prominent after the Protestant Reformation. Impact: Your name of Abigail creates an intense desire for association with people and new experiences, many of which have been rather bitter.     This name has given you a gregarious personality and a quick-thinking, creative, and versatile nature, but one that is unstable emotionally.    You desire change and travel and would enjoy opportunities that allowed you


Name: Abraham Gender: Male Meaning: Father Of Many Nations Variation: Abe Origin: Biblical, Hebrew Information: Abraham does not have any literal meaning in Hebrew. The name was given to Abram after God promised him that he would become the father of a multitude of nations. This name is therefore taken to mean the same thing. Impact: Your first name of Abraham has given you the vision and foresight to be able to organize others and to hold positions of responsibility with poise and self-confidence.     This name creates an optimistic outlook on life and favourable conditions in your personal affairs.    You have the ability to express your thoughts and ideas, and you are friendly, likeable, and generous.    You enjoy fun, laughter and congenial association.    This name also gives you an appreciation of art, music, drama, or any of the many forms of expression in the arts.    Since you are quick and fluent in your expression, you have to guard against boastfulness or domi


Name: Ada Gender: Female Meaning: Graceful And Noble Variation: Adda Origin: English, Germanic Information: Ada originates in Germanic languages and means "graceful and noble". It can be a diminutive of Adelaide or other names starting in Ada- or Ade-, for example Adeline. Ada was probably popularized by the Countess of Lovelace, George Gordon Byron's daughter. There were also several saints of this name. Impact: Your name of Ada gives you the desire to understand and to help others but, at the same time you can become too involved in their problems and, as a result, worry too much.    You desire a home and family of your own and have the ability to create understanding and harmony in family association as you are pliable, forgiving, and tactful.    You love children and would not hesitate to care for any children who might need you.    Whenever possible, you avoid argument and turmoil because you prefer not to face an issue if it means hurting anyone's


Name: Addison Gender: Male Meaning: Adam's Child Variation: Addyson Origin: English, English Information: Addison originates in Old English language and means "Adam's child". Until today, it also functions as a surname and formerly it was more popular as a masculine given name. It is also the name of many places and cities throughout the United States. Lately, it became one of the most popular names given to girls. Impact: Your name of Addison is a dual influence: at times you can be extremely happy, expressive, full of fun, and good-natured; yet at other times you find congenial association impossible, being controlled by self-pity, moods, and depression.   I f you could express only the constructive qualities and restrain the negative qualities of your nature, you would always be good company.   These contrasting qualities make it difficult for people to understand you and can lead to friction in your personal life.   You are deep, philosophical, and r


Name: Adam Gender: Male Meaning: Man Variation: Addam Origin: English, Hebrew Information: Adam originates in Hebrew language and means "man". In the Bible, Adam is a figure from the Book of Genesis and supposedly the first human God created from the earth. He lived with Eve in the Garden of Eden until he ate a forbidden fruit and was expelled. In the US the popularity of Adam started growing in the 1960s and currently it is a very popular masculine given name not only in the English-speaking world, but in other languages as well. Impact: Your name, Adam , gives you a desire to please and a friendly nature that could draw you into the sales field.   You appear quite confident outwardly, but you do suffer with lack of confidence at times and draw upon the support and encouragement of others.    Although you desire to create harmony in your associations, you can be too candid in your expression, especially if you are challenged by others.    Then you can be quietly


Name:       Abdul-aziz Gender: Male Origin: Arabic, Impact: Your first name of Abdul-Aziz has given you a quick, active mind, which has caused you to delve into many different ideas and theories.   You have a desire for association with people and, since you have no difficulty in being spontaneous and expressive with others, you have considerable ability for discussion and debate.    You enjoy unexpected opportunities for meeting people, or doing things on the spur of the moment.    Where you have difficulty is in organizing and systematizing the handling of your responsibilities.    Though you can work on any undertaking intently as long as it absorbs your interest, you cannot persevere when confronted by obstacles or by tedious monotony.    Thus your success in your undertakings is limited.    The tasks or activities you enjoy the most allow some form of creative or artistic expression.    You will never tolerate a situation where your independence