
Showing posts from August, 2021


*LAWS OF FINANCE*                                                         There are 2 types of Laws of finance: 1} LAW OF POVERTY. 2} LAW OF WEALTH. *1} LAW OF POVERTY:* This law states that work alone or work under someone and remain poor for the rest of your life. 95% of people in the world are living under this law.  The people under this law make use of their credentials, they have ego, they seek for job, they have someone called boss, they receive salary which is fixed amount.         *B.O.S.S* B= Building O= On S=  Some one S=  Success *S.A.L.A.R.Y* S= Something A= Always L= Low A= And R= Reduces Y= You These people are called the working class. They always look for job. *J.O.B* J= Journey  O= Of the B= Borrowers *2} LAW OF WEALTH:* This law states that work with a team or group of people and remain wealthy forever, it is just 5% of people in the world that are living under this law.  The people under this law make use of their potentials, and they are called the thin


S ALT has no need to look like  other Ingredients, sends out no Aroma like other Seasonings, but without it the Soup is Tasteless. Men of True Impact don't Fight for Position, Visibility or Appearance. Their Results Speak for them not their Propaganda. You don't need to Shout to be heard, People keep quiet to listen to Intelligent People. Salt Maintains its Integrity Amidst Pollution. Have you seen where a Salt buyer demands to taste it before buying  because Salt has proved its Integrity over the Ages.   If you will need to Swear before People can believe you, you lack Integrity. Is your Life like Salt to the Earth or an Insult? The Easiest and only way Salt can lose its Taste is when it mixes with too much of anything. So Watch your Associations with people without noble values.. Salt is very precious and should not be wasted.. STAY PURE. "MAINTAIN YOUR DIGNITY" If one day, we all are allowed to put our problems on a table and exchange them, I'm sure that after